The Beekeeper and the Bee
A collection of paintings and drawings of Somerset beekeepers and bees.
The project resulted in a touring exhibition and hard-back book, with paintings and drawings of the beekeepers at work and bees foraging through the seasons, accompanied by words from the beekeepers.
The book ‘The Beekeper and the Bee’ is now out of print, but used copies can sometimes be found online.

“I grow mostly perennials – they get their feet down deep and do very well. I love the alliums, bees really work them, they love purple and yellows, the colours that are out at the beginning of the year when nectar’s so important. They love herbs – thyme, comfrey, catmint, all the salvias, and sage family – and laburnum. They like simple flowers, open flowers. Often petals will have ultra-violet markings which we can’t see but the bees can, they guide the bee into the centre of the flower.”
Vicky Andrews, beekeeper